At some point in your life you have to decide you want to thrive. The chance to thrive or not depends on the politics of the day. Sadly, in North America there has been and currently is a purposeful effort to destroy the opportunity to do so.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Palin Lawyers give Gawker a Walkthrough
Well Sarah Palin complained and Gawker put up a condescending post telling Sarah to look up Fair Use law or if the reading would be too boring to call her lawyers to walk her through it.
Well I checked back and Gawker have changed the post. They have now added an injunction letter and have removed the smart-ass comment.
You can find a copy of injunction at The Other McCain
And look at that! The excerpts are now gone. It looks like the Sarah Palin legal team led the Gawkers through a fair use walkthrough of their own.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Islamic Defamation of Religion
In Saudi Arabia perverts can marry Muslim girls as young as 10 years old. "If a girl exceeds 10 or 12 then she is eligible for marriage, and whoever thinks she is too young, then he or she is wrong and has done her an injustice," Sheikh Abdul Aziz told an audience in Riyadh University last year. A man who married a 12 year old girl explained that it was difficult to consummate their marriage and that it took, "several attempts over two weeks" to accomplish.
Asia Bibi in Pakistan refused to renounce Christianity and was attacked by a mob and had to be arrested to keep her safe. She has been in jail for over a year and was sentenced to death last Monday. See how they feel about religious defamation?
I found this new video from Pat Condell on the subject of the ridiculous Defamation of Religions resolution.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
» Michael Ignatieff toronto 18 aquitted Postmedia coverup
As reported on Unambiguously Ambidextrous there was a story carried by the SUN newspapers in which Ignatieff said "It's important for Canadians to realize in the Toronto (18) case, the courts acquitted many people. These people are innocent until proven guilty and they have rights as Canadians and those rights need to be respected."
Postmedia News which is ran their own version of the story in all their markets with that quote in the story. The probelm is that Michael Ignatieff is completely wrong. As noted on the Unambiguously Ambidextrous blog, charges were not pursued against seven of the 18–but the 11 who went to trial were all convicted. There have been no acquittals.
Ok, so the way it comes across to me is that Iggy tried to make these terrorists seem not so bad because they were acquitted. Naturally a foot in mouth mistake like that can’t be allowed to stand. All the city markets on that had the story have been edited to remove that quote! I was able to get a screenshot of the Calgary Herald version before it was scrubbed as well so you can see with your own eyes. The comments have been removed from the stories as well so that no one can comment on the quote removal.
Here is the Google search page for “Ignatieff stresses terror accused are innocent until proven guilty”.
One by one those stories were edited to remove the false statement by Michael Ignatieff. Here is the original version and edited version of the story as it appeared in the Calgary Herald.
Notice the story also had comments which have been removed as well.
The mainstream media in this country works much the same as in the US. They protect progressives at all costs.
Update: It seems the Calgary Herald is standing firm and the original is here while the edited version is here. See how long that lasts.
Monday, August 23, 2010
74 lashes for women who are “un-Islamically” dressed
Progressives won’t fight Sharia law so Conservatives have to.
So yea, this is how women are treated in Sharia law countries. Funny how “feminists” have nothing to say about Sharia law. Well, let’s just say that the whole women’s rights thing of feminism was just a fraud otherwise progressive women's groups would be screaming about Sharia law countries treatment of women.“Citing legal cases related to crimes against public morals and ethics in the Islamic punishments that are handed down, he specified: “Article 638 of this law clarifies that if any woman acts indecently and against this religious regulation in public places, other than the punishment of 10 days to two months detention, they will also receive 74 lashes.”
74 lashes for women who are “un-Islamically” dressed |
Sharia law treatment of gays.
Football Coach Fired for Anti-Obama Song?
First of all there are NO racial overtones to the song. Point out the offending lyrics. The biggest difference between progressives and conservatives is that when progressives disagree with something you say they try to silence you.“When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail.”
A Tennessee middle school football coach said he got fired after he wrote a song that criticized President Obama.
Bryan Glover, an assistant coach at Grassland Middle School near Nashville, co-wrote the country music song, “When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail.”
“The coach called me and said parents were upset – that I was being politically incorrect and the song had racial overtones,” Glover told FOX News Radio. “An hour and a half later I was told I was being terminated.”
“I was informed that I was being let go because of the song,” he said, denying claims there were any racial overtones in the song.
Glover said he’s angry over what happened and believes he lost his job because his song was critical of President Obama. And he’s not the only one.
“It was a disgrace and we have to stand up for the guy,” said Michael Katsaitis, who has a son on the football team. He said he met with the principal of the school after Glover’s firing and is convinced his dismissal was a result of the song.”
“The first thing she told me was that Bryan’s song was derogatory to our president,” he said. “He shouldn’t have fired over that song.”
This is why you need to pay attention to and stop the progressive infiltration of our public institutions that has been taking place over the last few decades.
Listen to the song
Read More and read the lyrics - Football Coach Fired for Anti-Obama Song?
Conservative Politics
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sharia Law is in Canada at the Kingston General Hospital
John Kennedy said he and another man were also forbidden from using the sink in the shared bathroom to dampen cloths so they could clean their babies.
He and his wife and the other couple were moved out of the room on religious grounds that were made clear to him by medical staff on the floor, who said unrelated men are forbidden from being in the room while the Muslim woman was breastfeeding.”
This is a progressives wet dream. A western “oppressive” country having it’s laws and culture being subverted by “immigrants” from a “oppressed” region of the world.
In the land of Islam they have Sharia law. Not in Canada.
These Canadians in a Canadian hospital were forced to observe Sharia law by the staff. Sickening. Here is what should have happened.- The Muslim family should have been told that there is no law in Canada forbidding anyone from being in a public area while a woman is breastfeeding. They can have a private room to breastfeed in if they are uncomfortable.
- Further explanation of no such law forbidding unrelated men and women being in the same room alone. They can have a private room so that no one else would be allowed in it.
- And an obvious explanation that Sharia law has no legal basis in Canada.
- The hospital staff involved be fired.
Read more Sharia law enforced in Kingston Ontario Hospital
Conservative Growth
Friday, June 25, 2010
Boycott backer doesn’t know Arizona borders Mexico
“Milwaukee County would boycott doing business with firms in Arizona to protest that state’s tough immigration law, under a measure endorsed Thursday by a County Board panel.
The county would avoid new contracts with Arizona firms or the state of Arizona and possibly discontinue any current contracts with firms in that state, under a resolution unanimously approved by the board’s finance committee. It also would bar county employees from travel to conferences in Arizona.”
Supervisor Peggy West is on that board and thinks the Arizona immigration law is racist. Like many progressives she has no clue what she is talking about. Watch her in the following video say that she would have to look twice at the law if Texas passed it because they are right on the border with Mexico. But she doesn’t like the Arizona law since they aren’t near the Mexican border.
Peggy West has no clue what she is talking about and has not researched the issue at all obviously. All she knows are false progressive talking points about the Arizona Immigration Law.
Arizona boycott backed by Milwaukee County Board panel - JSOnline
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Anti-Israel gays are useful idiots
Gay groups should be rallying against the treatment of gays in Muslim countries. But instead they are against “Israeli apartheid” which is just a made up term for Israel trying to defend their right to exist. If these gays could escape their narrow minded progressive bubble they would see the irony of them denying a Jewish person the right to exist.
Gay people in Iran get hung by the neck in a public display.
Although to be fair, Iran doesn’t doesn’t kill all their gays.
When they let you live they just do this to you.
Gay people that just want to live and be happy like all the rest of humanity have to put up with this progressive element that really don’t care about gay rights. Gay people have to flee Palestine to Israel to be safe.
So let us compare now to civilized Christian countries and Israel. Gays can live freely without being subjected to a short drop and sudden stop. Some churches have even opened their doors for gay people. When Christian pastors get mad at you they write a stern letter to the editor.
Anti-Israel gays misusing Pride Parade as a platform - The Globe and Mail
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Elton John sings at Rush Limbaugh Wedding
Keith Olbermann had Michael Musto from on his show to talk trash about Rush, his wife and their wedding. Here are some highlights:
- Michael Musto states as a fact the Limbaugh wedding guests would have lynched him on sight because you know that conservatives just want to lynch gay people.
- Elton should have done a “number 2” into the punch bowl.
- Michael Musto’s Wedding gift would be a bag of doggie kaka
- Honeymooning in Mexico means Rush can get cheap Oxycontin. More tired jokes about Rush legitimately getting addicted to pain medicine after spinal surgery that failed to relieve back pain.
- Suggests they party with Joran Van Der Sloot on the honeymoon. I’m guessing so Rush’s wife can be murdered. What a class act Michael Musto is.
- They need to worry about getting through customs with all the Viagra and strap-ons in case “it” doesn’t work.
- Elton is just a whore for singing at the wedding. also has a story about close minded progressives burning Elton at the stake for singing at this wedding. It shows just how tolerant conservatives are and how intolerant progressives are. Elton John doesn’t give a crap what anyone thinks about him. He doesn’t believe in gay marriage but does believe in civil unions just like Rush Limbaugh. So if Rush is a homophobe for that then Elton must be too, huh? Elton John is singing concerts in Israel when other lefty stars are throwing tantrums and cancelling because they hate Jews. Elton John still goes to Muslim countries and sings despite threats on his life. He shows more nuts then many pansy progressives do.
Rush told everyone about how he got Elton John to play at his wedding in the following video.
UPDATE: It seems that Elton John has most likely succummed to progressive bullying behind the scenes and is now suddenly against everything he thought before. Read more about Elton John thinking he is a second class citizen.