
Monday, August 23, 2010

Football Coach Fired for Anti-Obama Song?

“When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail.”

Holding-a-Hammer-Nail A Tennessee middle school football coach said he got fired after he wrote a song that criticized President Obama.
Bryan Glover, an assistant coach at Grassland Middle School near Nashville, co-wrote the country music song, “When You’re Holding a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail.”
“The coach called me and said parents were upset – that I was being politically incorrect and the song had racial overtones,” Glover told FOX News Radio. “An hour and a half later I was told I was being terminated.”
“I was informed that I was being let go because of the song,” he said, denying claims there were any racial overtones in the song.
Glover said he’s angry over what happened and believes he lost his job because his song was critical of President Obama. And he’s not the only one.
“It was a disgrace and we have to stand up for the guy,” said Michael Katsaitis, who has a son on the football team. He said he met with the principal of the school after Glover’s firing and is convinced his dismissal was a result of the song.”
“The first thing she told me was that Bryan’s song was derogatory to our president,” he said. “He shouldn’t have fired over that song.”
First of all there are NO racial overtones to the song. Point out the offending lyrics. The biggest difference between progressives and conservatives is that when progressives disagree with something you say they try to silence you.
This is why you need to pay attention to and stop the progressive infiltration of our public institutions that has been taking place over the last few decades.
Listen to the song
Read More and read the lyrics - Football Coach Fired for Anti-Obama Song?
Conservative Politics

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