
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why Liberals Hate Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome

The following video explains why the left wing hate Sarah Palin with such a passion. I have dictated some of the best quotes from the video below it. Watch the video.

The left hate Sarah Palin with a passion

Sarah Palin Alaska "The mere mention of this woman's name sends the left back in time to middle school in both demeanor and maturity."

"Before the phrase "I just hate her" hits you in the face like a rouge little league pitch. And if you live where I live and don't fire back with the standard "O.M.G. me too!", they look at you like you haven't read the latest talking points from the liberal zombie gazette."

"...most of these people don't know anything about Sarah Palin that they didn't consume regurgitated like liberal chicklings from a libellous mudslinging leftist media."

"Step back and watch liberal women talk about Sarah Palin for example, it's like you can cut the jealousy with a butter knife."

"And she's married to the kind of Davy Crocket style man that most thought went the way of the buffalo when radical liberal feminism started spewing it's venom."

About her children - " of them was born with downs syndrome, a fact she discovered while the baby was still in her womb and she didn't even abort!. Let me tell ya, that's liberal blasphemy in and of itself."

"Guns, God, bitterness and nascar is one thing, but a beautiful charismatic ambassador for the dirt under the fingernails of America. This the media cannot have."

"You gotta understand the elitism of the average leftist. These people are appalled at the average Americans indifference to what they deem, high culture. There's a lot of flyover Americans that prefer aged commonsense wisdom to elitist inbred insular academics on Marxist steroids."

"...deep in their gut they fear that women in every way the left can dread anything. Their going to pound that relentless drum of slander and libel in hopes of slowing down her momentum..."

"The left is going to continue to shout knowingly slanderous things about this woman in an echo chamber with enough liberal wattage to be heard on the moon. Because that is what they do, that is what they know, that is who they are."

"Sarah Palin, she's the walking rejection of the leftist storyline. She's a successful self-made well rounded conservative woman. She openly thumbs her nose at the soul killing liberal message of dependency, victimhood and oppression."

More about Media Bias

Another great read about why the left hates Sarah Palin

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